Are You On Mission?

Bishop Rob Northwood July 7, 2019

Christians are a people on mission. The Christian mission is to make visible the Kingdom of God while reconciling men to God and one another. The Patriarch has called us this year to focus on Convergence Evangelism. Jesus, in Luke’s gospel (chapter 10) sends out His disciples on mission, two by two, into the cities and into places He Himself was about to go. Not unlike John the Baptist, they, as forerunners, would go ahead and stir up spiritual things where He wanted to work.

The harvest is great. (Luke 10:2) There is a literal world of people waiting to hear the gospel-  The Good News. The news that God has brought salvation and is forgiving and is not angry. To understand the concept of this great harvest, you might imagine that suddenly you alone were responsible to go out and manually harvest every crop in your entire county. You would begin to realize the amount of labor required to bale each bale and cut every stalk by hand. The tricky thing about a harvest is that you MUST bring it in when it’s ready. It’s not going to stand in the field forever.

Herein lies the problem- the laborers are few. (Luke 10:2)  Jesus commands His people to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into the harvest. He tells us to call for help. If we’re on mission, then we are all laborers. It’s His harvest. It’s His mission. He says, “Go your way, I’m sending you out as lambs among wolves.” (10:3) This is a battle of unusual combatants. You don’t usually see wolves being confronted by lambs, but rather the other way around. This teaching begins to sound like a sendoff into enemy territory. Jesus’ message is that you don’t need to take money and provision, but rather, you must learn to trust God to lead you to the place you must go and trust that He will provide. If you go to a house and there’s peace there, stay there. You are a laborer and a laborer is worthy of his hire. We aren’t paid by men, but by God. It’s His harvest.

Christians are to go and proclaim this fact: the Kingdom of God is here! Whether those who hear receive it or not, the fact is, the Kingdom of God has come. Heal the sick and tell them that the Kingdom of God is come. Healing is a big deal, especially if you’re the one that get’s healed. This said, in the kingdom, healing is not as big a deal as you would think. In His hometown, Jesus says He couldn’t do much, but “only heal a few people.” (Mark 6:5). He sees it as a minimal event. Why? Because what He wants to do is save you forever! Just because your headache or disease is gone, doesn’t mean you have eternal life.

The disciples return with joy saying, “Even the demons are subject to us in your name!” Jesus obviously has a heart for these cities and the lost and tormented souls within, but even as they rejoice that the demons are subject and healing is abundant, He tells them that that’s not why they should rejoice. He is seeing the Kingdom from another vantage point. Similar to when he said to Nathaniel, “I saw you sitting under the fig tree before you ever came to me.” (John 1), He says here, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.” He sees the reversal of the Garden’s curse. He sees the reversal of authority stolen in the fall. He gives them the authority to trample on serpents. The actions they take are immense because Satan himself is shaken as they plunder the strongman’s house. Yet again, he says that this isn’t the biggest thing. He is moved more by the salvation of the disciples and to those whom they proclaim the Good News. He says, “Never-the-less rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

The work of the church is outside the church walls. The battle is outside the walls. First you must be sent, and then you must go. Part of evangelism is helping those bound up, to get free of what’s binding them up. Don’t worry about the people who think you’re crazy, worry about what you’re gonna do when they think you have the answer, when they believe you’re right. Something our Bishop Davidson frequently says is that you have to have a place to stand, to run. You need a base of operations, a church that you can be established in, from which to be sent out and to return. We aren’t guilty if we try and fail and we aren’t credited if all goes well. That’s the security that is provided being under the church’s authority.
Here’s what you can do to get on mission: pray for the mission of the church. We aren’t trying to build a bigger church. We are trying to depopulate Hell. A healthy church is a church that is depopulating hell, and a healthy church grows. If we are on mission we will grow and then plant another church and another church. So pray for this parish and her mission.

Give your time. The church will always have mouths to feed, toilets to clean, and floors to sweep. Don’t miss your calling by assuming that others will do the work without you. Get on mission. Give your time.

Learn to testify. Testify of what Jesus is doing and has done in your life. Testify about how He has set you free. We, as Christians, are called to grow, not just be planted, but to grow and keep growing. We must learn to know His voice. The sheep should know the voice of the Shepherd. The more you come to know His voice, the less likely the enemy will be to insert his own counterfeit.

Another thing we do is to share the gospel. To read it has power; To speak it has power and to digest it is most significant.

Are you on mission? One way you can determine this is to consider whether your decision to attend a church meeting is based on whether it personally benefits you. Are you avoiding Bible study Class because you don’t feel like you are going to benefit? A good person comes to the Healing Service to receive and be healed. A good Christian comes to the Healing Service to help others grow and to give of themselves. You should be determining your involvement based on your ability to give and build. Participate in the work of the church. When a person is going through hard times and they receive a meal or a card, that is a tangible sign of the love of God in their lives.

The harvest is ready. The workers are few. This is the mission. Are you on mission? Go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Spirit!

My Spiritual Home

My Spiritual Home
Deacon Larry Rieger

I came to the CEC in middle age, forced to leave my prior denomination when they abandoned scriptural authority in pursuit of social relevance.  My journey was one of searching the marketplace for a liturgical church using a traditional Eucharist of the Lord’s presence, with a desire also to find a church where I could enjoy worship music.  I was a lifelong liturgical Christian, and very comfortable with the liturgical framework of the Catholic/Anglican traditions. I was comfortable with the Lutheran service I looked at, but desired weekly Eucharist.  The CEC provided the liturgy and weekly Eucharist, but I was very unfamiliar with, and a little discomforted, by the Charismatic part of worship, which I had experienced in lesser degrees in times I had worshipped with more evangelical friends.  My friends who welcomed me to the CEC assured me I would be more comfortable over time, and I also took a small group teaching in the Charismatic part of worship, and was soon at home.

What I found most appealing about the CEC was that not only did I feel very much at home in a theological orthodox faith well expressed within a familiar and comfortable liturgy, but I found the continued reliance and teaching of Holy Scripture, together with spiritually uplifting praise music filled a spiritual void within me.  Yet even as all my traditional spiritual desires were being met, I was both challenged and intrigued by those around me who were enlivened by the various expressions of the Holy Spirit. I could see others being fulfilled and comforted by the Holy Spirit, but I was not feeling it myself, and I knew that I wanted it and needed it.

I had just been in the CEC for two years when troubled times came to the denomination, and my own small parish, which had more than tripled in size in two years, dissolved.  Again I looked for a new home, but every place I went, there was a sense of something missing. After several years of drifting from denomination to denomination, I was able to meet with some other former members and reconnecting with a CEC bishop, started a new CEC parish, which has now doubled in size in the last two years, and is looking ahead.

Although I am still in a relatively small parish, and have been asked why I don’t move to a larger church with all the facilities and activities, that I would like to see, I would not want to journey away from the CEC again.  There is a rightness to my being part of this group, and a spiritual fullness in our worship and fellowship. In travel to where there is not a local CEC church to worship in, I always find a significant aspect of my worship missing regardless of which other church I visit.  The full three streams of worship which the CEC provides has returned me to the complete authentic worship that characterized the undivided Christian church, and I have found my spiritual home.

Deacon Larry Rieger
Saint Michael and All Angels CEC
Williamsburg, VA

The Liturgical Stream

By Fr. Jeffrey Welch
June 9, 2019

Our Liturgical/Sacramental Stream Comes from Jesus

    Our Liturgical/Sacramental “stream” comes from Jesus.  “Christianity is Christ” John R. W. Stott wrote. Who Jesus Christ is (the Eternal Son of God who became human without losing any of His divinity, in one Person); And what He has done for our salvation and the redemption of the world makes Him our Lord.  He is head of the body, the Church and Lord of all time. (*1)

    So our faith in Jesus calls us to turn our time over to the Lord and follow all the events of His life each year.   We prepare for His prophetic birth (Advent), celebrate His birth (Christmas), His revelation to the world through His signs and wonders (Epiphany), His temptation and fasting for us in the desert (Lent), His death and resurrection from the dead (Palm Sunday, Passion week, Easter), His Ascension to intercede for us at the right hand of the Father (Ascension-tide ) and His pouring out of the Holy Spirit ‘birthing’ the new covenant Church (Pentecost), which is His body, the Church.
In the same way we in the ICCEC follow Jesus as His disciples have from the very beginning, Acts 2:42 (ESV) And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.  “The prayers” were the traditional set prayers of the Jews, now focused on God through Christ our Lord.  Thus the Liturgy we use each Sunday is literally “the work of the people” in service to God; And the “breaking of bread” is the Holy Communion Jesus instituted in the Upper room just before His passion. Likewise we follow Jesus through the whole ‘arc’ of our living, receiving His outward and visible signs and seals of His inward and invisible work of grace in our hearts and lives.  These holy events are called the seven sacraments.
We enter the Church washed by Holy Baptism (*2). We’re strengthened with the spiritual food of His body and blood (*3), for our daily and weekly life (The Eucharist or Holy Communion).  When we stumble into sin and need a cleansing by Jesus through Confession of our sins He gives us that grace(*4). When we grow into adulthood we declare faith in Jesus Christ from our hearts by the laying on of hands in Confirmation and receive gifts from the Holy Spirit (*5).   When we are sick or need healing we ask the elders (priests and bishops) to anoint us with holy oil and Jesus heals us by His will (*6) and to help prepare us for the transition to heaven at the end of our lives (termed extreme unction). When we are called to marry, husband and wife come together in Holy Matrimony and receive grace to live being “fruitful and multiply”(*7).  If we are called to serve Christ in Holy ministry we receive special grace through Ordination to represent Christ to the Church, administer His sacraments and protect “the flock.” (*8).

Our Liturgical and Sacramental “stream” of worship is simply our Church stepping along side the earliest Christians and walking by faith onward with them, as we all follow our Lord Jesus.



*1 (Ephesians 1:19-23)

*2 (Matthew 28:18-19 and John 3:5-8)

*3 (John 6:51-58)

*4 (John 13:3-10 and James 5:16)

*5(Acts 8:14-17)

*6 (I Peter 2:24-25 and James 5:14-15)

*7 (Genesis 1:28 and Ephesians 5:21-33)

*8(Ephesians 4:11-12 and 2 Timothy 1:6 and Acts 6:5-6)