A Young Priest in the Mid-Atlantic Diocese

A Young Priest in the Mid-Atlantic Diocese

Our growing diocese has been yet again richly blessed. The Cathedral Church of Reconciliation is proud to announce the upcoming ordination of Deacon Samuel Foss to the office of Priest in the Spring of 2022. Following years of seminary work and prayerful dedication to his calling, Deacon Foss (26) will honor Christ’s Church with his service as priest. Deacon Samuel was raised in the Methodist Church and received a calling to ministry in high school. He attended college at Towson University and after attending a semester of Saint Stephen’s Certificate Program through the Cathedral church, discerned a calling to the CEC and to ordained ministry therein. He has been a faithful servant to the church since his ordination in 2020 and looks forward to what God has in mind for the coming days. Please be in prayer for our brother as he readies his heart for the next step in his journey.

New Deacons

The Diocese was reinstated a little over a year ago and already we are blessed. Two new deacons have been added to our clergy this past Saturday, Jul 11th. Deacon Samuel Foss and Deacon Caleb Northwood have completed years of study and ongoing discernment to pursue the vocations that God has placed on their lives.

In early 2017, a call was given to the men of the Mid-Atlantic Diocese (then district) to rise up and heavily consider the possibility of seminary and leading God’s people. Foss, Northwood, and nearly a dozen others responded. Since that time, the Mid-Atlantic Diocese structured Saint Stephen’s certificate program, a training environment for those interested in expanding their leadership capacity in their own church or considering holy orders through the CEC’s Saint Michael’s Seminary. The program, now a certificate administered by Saint Michael’s Seminary, was and is open to men of differing denominations and attracted men of all ages and backgrounds to further their learning and growth as spiritual leaders.

Both Deacon Samuel and Deacon Caleb completed two years of study with the certificate program, before continuing on to Saint Michael’s to pursue the necessary background for clerical ordination. Both deacons are excited to further the mission of the kingdom and to serve the people of God.