Seminary Class Graduates At Cathedral

Ascension Day 2019 marked the Commencement of studies for the Saint Michael’s Diploma program that has been faithfully administered by Bishop Rob Northwood and Fr. Martin Eppard of The Church of the Good Shepherd, for the past two years. Graduating with the Diploma as well as a developed skill set in leadership, pastoral care, preaching, teaching, scriptural study, and church administration, are: Bob Brown, Rob Schott, Eli Northwood, Dcn. Mark Carico, Avery Northwood, Samuel Huff, Levi Pekarek, and Caleb Northwood. The Cathedral and the Diocese in general wish to thank and celebrate these dedicated men and their teachers for their hard work and intent to build God’s kingdom on earth. Please continue to pray for vocations and for those seminarians that continue to study and press toward ordained and lay ministry leadership in Christ’s one, holy, and apostolic church All for the Glory of God!


The Cathedral Church of Reconciliation
June 3, 2019