Kingdom Life Youth and Young Adult Retreat

Kingdom Life Youth and Young Adult Retreat

This past October, 60 young persons and leaders gathered at a Christian camp in Forest Hill, MD for two days of praise, prayer, fun, and teaching. With the question of Covid still looming and rainy weather threatening, the young people came from New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, some with 8-hour drives. They gathered together and called on the Lord as one to move in their lives and God did not disappoint.

The testimonies that came back from this retreat were witness to the move of God on the lives of willing people. Prior to the retreat, many of the leaders and youth reported strain, stress, personal doubts, and major inconvenience: all common signs of our enemy’s attempts to subvert a major act of God.

At the retreat, we saw young people prophesy, speak in tongues, experience life changing healing, deliverance, and direction. There were testimonies of physical healing, emotional healing including depression being lifted and anxiety calmed, and young hearts rededicated to the purpose of God.

Many of the leaders were encouraged by the response of the young people to the teaching and the retreat itself. “Father Jeffery Welch’s lesson entitled ‘Obstacles To Grace’ was mind-blowing” said one high school male. Another said he would come back if this were a monthly event. Still others expressed their desire for the retreat to be longer and occur more often. All were blessed in some way and eager for another similar experience.

Bishop Rob is intent on hosting another event of this kind in the coming year and has said that even with the tremendous amount of preparation required for a retreat such as this, God’s move always makes it more than worthwhile.