An Archdeacon Appointed

An Archdeacon Appointed

Bishop Northwood has appointed an Archdeacon, which is a role of recognition as well as a mark of honor. The role has been appointed to Deacon Larry Rieger of Saint Michael’s and All Angels Church, Virginia. He is being recognized for his dedicated service to his church, to his Diocese and previously, his district. He has served since it’s formation, on the Bishop’s Council as well as on the board of his local parish. He has been faithful in trivial tasks and matter of great import. Deacon Rieger has graciously accepted his new role and will be publicly installed in the Spring of 2022. The role is both a great honor and a great responsibility as our diocese has in mind a vision for further establishing the Kingdom of God in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., and Delaware. This is no small undertaking and the Archdeacon will be pivotal in this regard. Thank you Deacon Larry from the people of the Diocese of the Mid Atlantic for your continued service.

Deacon Rieger is the resident Deacon and parish administrator for Saint Michael and All Angels. He is a graduate of a Benedictine college (Belmont Abbey).  Separate from a secular bachelors and masters education, the Deacon also holds a Masters of Theology from Kings College, has completed his coursework at Saint Michael’s Seminary of the CEC. He was ordained to the ancient and apostolic order of the Diaconate on 24 June, 2017.

Deacon Rieger had a successful secular career, starting as an Infantry Officer in the 82d Airborne Division. He remained in the reserves both in the US and overseas before he transferred to the retired reserves as a Major. He served the Army as a civilian for 36 years before retiring in 2015 to pursue full time ministry work.

Mission Day 2020

November 1, 2020

Missions day is a dedicated Sunday each year, during which the CEC takes up an offering for the express purpose of funding missions and projects to bless the greater world. Currently 80% of the missions fund is dedicated to Africa and the goal of establishing micro businesses. This one goal currently empowers hundreds to grow small businesses that provide for themselves and their community. These businesses provide jobs for locals, money for the owners, and support to the churches and church schools in the area. When the business owners are awarded by the local church leaders, they are further able to support the church and her mission with ongoing income. It all starts with you. If you give even a little, it is joined by the gifts of others and begins a powerful work for the kingdom of God.