Three Streams Convergence Worship...
Charismatic, filled with the holy spirit, we openly ask and invite the Holy Spirit of the New Testament church to fill us, our clergy, and our worship. Evangelical, we believe that the bible is the unerring word of God breathed, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Liturgical, we celebrate seven sacraments and believe that they are an outpouring of God's grace on the church, intended for the benefit of people and the building of His kingdom.

All Life Is Sacred
The CEC is a Pro Life church and was born, in part, out of the pro life movement in America. We hold firmly that ALL life is sacred, whether that life be pre-born, underprivileged, disabled, elderly, or unwanted. God is the Maker and Giver of life and we eagerly anticipate the day that there is no more innocent blood shed in our country or by our country. To learn more or to support CEC For Life, click the link below.